Los investigadores de seguridad del equipo Mobile Threat de CheckPoint han descubierto una nueva campaña de adware en la plataforma Google Play Store. El malware, llamado SimBad, fue encontrado en 206 aplicaciones del market y ha recibido casi 150 millones de descargas entre todas ellas.
Provoca una campaña masiva de ‘adware’ móvil por medio del cual se muestran anuncios fuera de la aplicación sin que exista posibilidad de desinstalar dichas aplicaciones.
Ya ha descubiarto como se producía al incluir SDK o kit de desarrollo de software RXDrioder, proporcionado por addroider[.]com como un SDK relacionado con anuncios, el que incorporaría el código malicioso a las aplicaciones desarrolladas con él.
Simbad es una vulnerabilidad descubierta por Check Point Software Technologies, empresa especializada en ciberseguridad, que puede provocar desde la aparición de cientos de anuncios, en el momento que se instala cualquier aplicación que contenga este ‘adware’, hasta el robo de los datos personales de la víctima, a través de estas ‘apps’.
Las actividades que SimBad puede desarrollar se dividen en tres grupos: la muestra de anuncios, ‘phishing’ -suplantación de una fuente legítima-, y la exposición de estos datos a otras aplicaciones. Este sistema consigue abrir una ‘url’ en un navegador, ya que el criminal detrás de este ataque genera páginas de ‘phising’ que abre en el navegador del usuario.
El atacante detrás del virus es capaz de aumentar sus beneficios abriendo las aplicaciones infectadas a través de una búsqueda mediante un palabra clave. Asimismo, puede instalar una ‘app’ para uso remoto desde un servidor a través de la cual lanzará nuevos elementos de ‘malware’.
Las 206 aplicaciones infectadas –principalmente simuladores– utilizan un Kit de Desarrollo de Software (SDK) malicioso para llevar a cabo estas operaciones, explica Check Point, y muestran características comunes como anuncios fuera de las aplicaciones, apertura constante de Google Play, inicio del navegador con enlaces generados por el desarrollador, ocultación su icono de inicio, o descarga archivos APK.
Aunque las aplicaciones se han identificado para Android, también están disponibles para iOS. Por ello, los usuarios Apple infectados deberán acceder al ‘Menú de Ajustes’, ir a ‘Safari’, en la lista de opciones seleccionar ‘bloquear pop-ups’, tras lo cual deberán ir a ‘Avanzado’, acceder a ‘Datos Website’, y una vez allí borrar todas las páginas que no sean conocidas.
Google ha eliminado de su tienda todas las aplicaciones afectadas tras recibir el aviso. Sin embargo es posible que estas aplicaciones maliciosas se encuentren disponibles en otros markets. Si tu smartphone tiene estos síntomas. por favor revisa las últimas apps instaladas y elimínalas. Debesacceder al ‘Menú de Ajustes’, seleccionar el ‘Gestor de Aplicaciones’, ir hasta la aplicación sospechosa y desinstalarla. En el caso de que no se encuentre, deberán borrar todas las aplicaciones instaladas recientemente.
Más información: SimBad: A Rogue Adware Campaign On Google Play
Os dejamos las lista de las apps infectadas. Si tienes alguna por favor quitala de tu móvil
Lista de aplicaciones infectadas por SimBad:
Nombre del paquete | Nombre App | Nº instalaciones |
com.heavy.excavator.simulator.driveandtransport | Snow Heavy Excavator Simulator | 10,000,000 |
com.hoverboard.racing.speed.simulator | Hoverboard Racing | 5,000,000 |
com.zg.real.tractor.farming.simulator.game | Real Tractor Farming Simulator | 5,000,000 |
com.ambulancerescue.driving.simulator | Ambulance Rescue Driving | 5,000,000 |
com.heavymountain.bus2018simulator | Heavy Mountain Bus Simulator 2018 | 5,000,000 |
com.firetruckemergency.driver | Fire Truck Emergency Driver | 5,000,000 |
com.farming.tractor.realharvest.simulator | Farming Tractor Real Harvest Simulator | 5,000,000 |
com.carparking.challenge.parksimulator | Car Parking Challenge | 5,000,000 |
com.speedboat.jetski.racing.simulator | Speed Boat Jet Ski Racing | 5,000,000 |
com.watersurfing.carstunt.racing.simulator | Water Surfing Car Stunt | 5,000,000 |
com.offroad.woodtransport.truckdriver | Offroad Wood Transport Truck Driver 2018 | 5,000,000 |
com.volumen.booster.equalizer | Volumen booster & Equalizer | 5,000,000 |
com.ks.prado.Car.parking.race.drive.apps | Prado Parking Adventure | 5,000,000 |
com.zg.offroad.Oil.tanker.transporter.truck.cargo.simulator | Oil Tanker Transport Truck Driver | 5,000,000 |
com.monstertruck.demolition | Monster Truck Demolition | 1,000,000 |
com.hummerlimotaxi.simulator.driving | Hummer taxi limo simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.excavator.wreckingball.demolition.simulator | Excavator Wrecking Ball Demolition Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.offroad.gold.transport.truck | Offroad Gold Transport Truck Driver 2018 | 1,000,000 |
com.sea.animals.trucktransport.simulator | Sea Animals Truck Transport Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.water.surfingrace.motorbike.stunt | Water Surfing Motorbike Stunt | 1,000,000 |
com.policechase.thiefpersecution | Police Chase | 1,000,000 |
com.police.plane.transporter.game | Police Plane Transporter | 1,000,000 |
com.ambulance.driver.extreme.rescue.simulator | Ambulance Driver Extreme Rescue | 1,000,000 |
com.hovercraftracer.speedracing.boat | Hovercraft Racer | 1,000,000 |
com.cars.transport.truckdriver.simulator | Cars Transport Truck Driver 2018 | 1,000,000 |
com.motorbike.pizza.delivery.drivesimulator | Motorbike Pizza Delivery | 1,000,000 |
com.heavy.excavator.stonecutter.simulator | Heavy Excavator – Stone Cutter Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.bottle.shoot.archery.game | Bottle shoot archery | 1,000,000 |
com.offroadbuggy.car.racingsimulator | Offroad buggy car racing | 1,000,000 |
com.garbagetruck.city.trash.cleaningsimulator | Garbage Truck – City trash cleaning simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.tanks.attack.simulator.war.attack | Tanks Attack | 1,000,000 |
com.dinosaurpark.trainrescue | Dinosaur Park – Train Rescue | 1,000,000 |
com.pirateshipboat.racing3d.simulator | Pirate Ship Boat Racing 3D | 1,000,000 |
com.flyingtaxi.simulator.race | Flying taxi simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.jetpackinwater.racersimualtor.danger | Jetpack Water | 1,000,000 |
com.boostervolumen.amplifiersoundandvolumen | Volumen Booster | 1,000,000 |
com.farmgames.animal.farming.simulator | Animal Farming Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.monstertruck.racing.competition.simulator | Monster Truck | 1,000,000 |
com.simulator.offroadjeep.car.racing | Offroad jeep car racing | 1,000,000 |
com.simulator.flyingcar.stunt.extremetracks.racing | Flying Car Stunts On Extreme Tracks | 1,000,000 |
com.simulator.tractorfarming.driving | Tractor Farming 2018 | 1,000,000 |
com.impossible.farming.transport.simulator | Impossible Farming Transport Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.volumenbooster.equalizerboost | Volumen Booster | 1,000,000 |
com.mustang.rally.championship.racingsimulator | Mustang Rally Championship | 1,000,000 |
com.deleted.photo.recovery | Deleted Photo Recovery | 1,000,000 |
com.race.boat.speedy | Speed Boat Racing | 1,000,000 |
com.cycle.bike.racing.game | Super Cycle Jungle Rider | 1,000,000 |
com.write.name.live.wallpaper.hd | My name on Live Wallpaper | 1,000,000 |
com.maginal.unicorn.game | Magical Unicorn Dash | 1,000,000 |
com.grafton.cycle.jungle.rider.race | Super Cycle Jungle Rider | 1,000,000 |
com.lovecallingapps.lovecaller.Screen | Love Caller Screen | 1,000,000 |
com.city.car.funny.racing.stunt.game.pro | Racing Car Stunts On Impossible Tracks | 1,000,000 |
com.citycar.funny.racinggame.stunt.simulator | Racing Car Stunts On Impossible Tracks 2 | 1,000,000 |
com.urban.Limo.taxi.simulation.games | Urban Limo Taxi Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.cg.heavy.tractor.simulator.game | Tractor Farming Simulator | 1,000,000 |
com.campervan.drivingsimulator.caravan | Camper Van Driving | 1,000,000 |
com.bootleshoot.sniper | Bottle Shoot Sniper 3D | 1,000,000 |
com.globalcoporation.fullscreenincomingcaller.app | Full Screen Incoming Call | 1,000,000 |
com.mustache.beard.editor | Beard mustache hairstyle changer Editor | 1,000,000 |
com.volumenbooster.increaservolumen | Volumen Booster | 1,000,000 |
com.photoeditor.girlfriend.addgirlstophoto.pic | girlfriend photo editor | 1,000,000 |
com.tracker.location.number.free.spy | Mobile Number Tracker & Locator | 1,000,000 |
com.garden.editor.app | Garden Photo Editor | 1,000,000 |
com.fortunewheel.game | Fortune Wheel | 1,000,000 |
com.farming.transport.tractor.simulator | Farming Transport Simulator 2018 | 1,000,000 |
com.offroad.tractor.transport.drivingsimulator | OffRoad Tractor Transport | 1,000,000 |
com.customwallpaper.mynameonlivewallpaper | my name on live wallpaper | 1,000,000 |
com.flying.ambulance.emergency.rescue.simulator | Flying Ambulance Emergency Rescue | 500,000 |
com.mustang.driving.car.race | Mustang Driving Car Race | 500,000 |
com.waterpark.carracing.simulator | Waterpark Car Racing | 500,000 |
com.impossibletrucks.extremetrucks.simulator | Impossible Tracks – Extreme Trucks | 500,000 |
com.extreme.flying.motorbike.stuntsimulator | Flying Motorbike Stunts | 500,000 |
com.emergency.firetruck.rescue.drivingsimulator | Fire Truck Emergency Rescue – Driving Simulator | 500,000 |
com.snowplow.simulator.heavysnow.excavator | Heavy Snow Excavator Snowplow Simulator | 500,000 |
com.waterskiing.simulator.games | Water Skiing | 500,000 |
com.photomaker.editor.women.makeupandhairstyle | Women Make Up and Hairstyle Photo Maker | 500,000 |
com.fortune.mountain | Mountain Bus Simulator | 500,000 |
com.vanpizza.truckdelivery.simulator | Van Pizza | 500,000 |
com.truck.simulator.transportandparking | Truck Transport and Parking Simulator | 500,000 |
com.hoverboard.racing.spider.attacksimulator | Hoverboard Racing Spider Attack | 500,000 |
com.moto.sport.championship.racingsimulator | Motorsport Race Championship | 500,000 |
com.demolitionderby.simulator | Demolition Derby | 500,000 |
com.lovecaller.free.loveringtones | Love Caller with love ringtones | 500,000 |
com.house.transport.truck.movingvan.simulator | House Transport Truck – Moving Van Simulator | 500,000 |
com.heavy.excavator.simulator.stonedriller | Heavy Excavator Stone Driller Simulator | 500,000 |
com.cycle.downhill.game | Super Cycle Downhill Rider | 500,000 |
com.extreme.rallychampionship.race | Extreme Rally Championship | 500,000 |
com.missileattack.army.truck | Missile Attack Army Truck | 500,000 |
com.mobile.caller.location.tracker.freecall | Caller Location & Mobile Location Tracker | 500,000 |
com.mobilenumberlocator.tracker | Mobile number locator | 500,000 |
com.mynameonlivewallpaper.animated.hd | My name on Live Wallpaper | 500,000 |
com.spk.coach.offroad.School.bus.mountain.free | City Metro Bus Pk Driver Simulator 2017 | 500,000 |
com.fullscreen.incomingcaller.app | Full Screen Incoming Call | 500,000 |
com.allsuit.man.casualshirt.photo.editor | Man Casual Shirt Photo Suit | 500,000 |
com.americanmuscle.car.race | American muscle car race | 500,000 |
com.offroad.nuclearwastetransport.truckdriver | Offroad Nuclear Waste Transport – Truck Driver | 500,000 |
com.madcars.fury.racing.driving.simulator | Mad Cars Fury Racing | 100,000 |
com.high.wheeler.speed.race.championship | High Wheeler Speed Race | 100,000 |
com.colorbynumber.number.coloring.paint.game | Number Coloring | 100,000 |
com.campervan.race.driving.simulator.game | Camper Van Race Driving Simulator 2018 | 100,000 |
com.unicornfloat.speedrace.simulator | Unicorn Float – Speed Race | 100,000 |
com.dualscreenbrowser | Dual Screen Browser | 100,000 |
com.harvest.timber.simulatorandtransport | Harvest Timber Simulator | 100,000 |
com.racingsimulator.hot.micro.racers | Hot Micro Racers | 100,000 |
com.lara.unicorn.dash.magical.raider.race | Lara Unicorn Dash | 100,000 |
com.wingsuit.simulator.extreme | Wingsuit Simulator | 100,000 |
com.foodtruck.driving.simulator | Food Truck Driving Simulator | 100,000 |
com.dograce.competition | Dog Race Simulator | 100,000 |
com.suvcar.parking.simulator.game | SUV car – parking simulator | 100,000 |
com.clap.phonefinder.locator | Phone Finder | 100,000 |
com.phonenumerlocator.findphonenumbers | Phone number locator | 100,000 |
com.whatsapplock.gallerylock.ninexsoftech.lock | Gallery Lock | 100,000 |
com.secret.screenrecorder.screenshotrecord | Secret screen recorder | 100,000 |
com.facebeauty.makeup | Face Beauty Makeup | 100,000 |
com.write.your.christmas.letter.santa.threewisemen | Christmas letters to santa and three wise man | 100,000 |
com.deletedfiles.photo.audio.video.recovery | Deleted Files recovery | 100,000 |
com.screndualbrowserdouble.app.android | Dual Screen Browser | 100,000 |
com.crack.mobile.screen.prank | Broken Screen – Cracked Screen | 100,000 |
photoeditor.Garden.photoframe | Garden Photo Editor | 100,000 |
com.modiphotoframe.editor | Modi Photo Frame 2 | 100,000 |
com.callerscreen.lovecaller | Love Caller Screen | 100,000 |
com.antitheftalarm.fullbatteryalarm.sound | Anti Theft & Full Battery Alarm | 100,000 |
com.lovecaller.screen.custom | Love Caller Screen 2 | 100,000 |
com.sms.message.voice.reading | Voice reading for SMS. Whatsapp & text sms | 100,000 |
com.photo.text.editor.nameonpic | Name on Pic-Name art | 100,000 |
com.mtsfreegames.Speedboatracing | Speed Boat Racing | 100,000 |
com.simulator.traindriving | Train Driving Simulator | 100,000 |
com.grafton.Cycle.jungle.rider | Super Cycle Rider | 100,000 |
com.gl.racinghorse.competition | Racing Horse Championship 3D | 100,000 |
moveapptosd.tosdcard.freeapp | Move App To SD Card 2016 | 100,000 |
com.avatarmaker.poptoy.creator | Pop Toy Creator | 100,000 |
com.myphoto.live.wallpaper.editor | Photo Live Wallpaper | 50,000 |
com.messenger2.play.game.Unicorndashk | Magical Unicorn Dash | 50,000 |
com.truck.wheelofdeath | Truck Wheel of Death | 50,000 |
com.livetranslator.translateinlive | Live Translator | 50,000 |
com.volumecontrol.widget.volumebooster | Volume Control Widget | 50,000 |
com.worldcup2018football.shirt.maker.photoeditor | World cup 2018 football shirt maker | 50,000 |
com.girlfriendphotoeditor.girlsinyourphoto | Girlfriend Photo Editor 2 | 50,000 |
com.myphoto.on.musicplayer.free | My Photo on Music Player | 50,000 |
com.taxidriving.simulatorgame.race | taxi | 50,000 |
com.garden.photoeditor.photoframe | Garden Photo Editor | 50,000 |
com.fortunewheel.deluxe | Fortune Wheel Deluxe | 50,000 |
com.motorcycle.extremeracing.simulator | Extreme Motorcycle Racer | 50,000 |
com.offroad.snow.bike.christmas.racing | Offroad Snow Bike – Christmas Racing | 50,000 |
com.Droidhermes.bottleninja | Bottle Shoot | 50,000 |
com.Hadiikhiya.photochangebackground | Photo Background Changer 2017 | 50,000 |
com.offroad.christmas.treetransport.truck.driversimulator | Offroad Christmas Tree Transport | 50,000 |
com.tank.transport.armytruck.simulator | Tank Transport Army Truck | 50,000 |
com.flagteams.facepaint.editor.world2018cup | Flag face paint: World Cup 2018 | 10,000 |
com.russianworld2018cup.livewallpaper.flagsteam | World Cup 2018 Teams Flags Live Wallpaper | 10,000 |
com.editor.selfie.camera.photo | Selfie Camera | 10,000 |
com.desirepk.Offroad.transport.simulator.apps | Missile Attack Army Truck | 10,000 |
massimo.Vidlan.maxplayer | Max Player | 10,000 |
com.flashalerts.callandsms | Flash Alert – Flash on Call | 10,000 |
com.photovideo.maker.withmusic | Photo Video Maker with Music | 10,000 |
com.braingames.iqtest.skills | Brain Games & IQ Test | 10,000 |
com.mix.audio.and.video | Audio Video Mixer | 10,000 |
com.poptoy.creator.edityourpoptoy | Pop Toy Creator 2 | 10,000 |
com.flashalert.callandsms | Flash on Call and SMS | 10,000 |
com.photoframe.of.heart | Heart Photo Frames | 10,000 |
com.shayari.hindi.status.photo.text | Shayari 2017 | 10,000 |
com.happy.photo.birthday.cake | Photo on Birthday Cake | 10,000 |
com.photoeditor.nature.photoframes | Nature Photo Frames | 10,000 |
com.photoframe.calendar2018editor | Calendar 2018 Photo Frame | 10,000 |
com.christmas.truck.transportsimulator.game | Christmas Truck Transport Simulator | 10,000 |
com.christmas.vandrive.modern.santa | Modern Santa – Christmas van drive | 10,000 |
com.anbrothers.voicechanger.app | Change your voice | 10,000 |
com.monsters.vs.water.duel | Moster vs Water | 10,000 |
com.flowers.editor.photo.frame | EDIT Flowers Photo Frames | 10,000 |
videoeditor.musicvideo.Phototovideomaker.videoeditor | Photo Video Maker with Music | 10,000 |
com.racing.games.toiletpaper.race | Toilet Paper Race | 10,000 |
com.Zv.puppiesdog.racegame | Dog Crazy Race Simulator | 10,000 |
com.luxury.photo.frame.photo.editor | Luxury Photo Frame | 10,000 |
com.bike.wheelofdeath | Bike Wheel of Death | 10,000 |
com.qbesoft.worldfamousphotoframes.app | World Famous Photo Frames | 10,000 |
com.heavysnowexcavator.christmas.rescue | Heavy Snow Excavator Christmas Rescue | 10,000 |
com.syor.deleted.photo.recovery.video.restore | Deleted Files Recovery | 10,000 |
com.footballanalyzer.resultsandstats | Football Results & Stats Analyzer | 5,000 |
com.photoframe.cube3d.live.wallpaper.hd | 3D Photo Frame Cube Live Wallpaper | 5,000 |
com.photoframe.geenhill | Green Hill PhotoFrame | 5,000 |
com.christmas.magnetic.magicboard.drawandwrite | Christmas Magic Board | 5,000 |
com.animalspart.photo.editor | Animal Parts Photo Editor | 5,000 |
com.camera.blur.photoeffects | DSLR Camera Blur | 5,000 |
com.quick.photo.frame.carphotoframe | Car Photo Frame | 5,000 |
com.game.handsslap.manitascalientes.redhands | Hands Slap Game | 5,000 |
com.maa.durga.live.wallpaper | 4D Maa Durga Live Wallpaper | 5,000 |
com.photomontage.men.sweatshirt.editor | Men Sweatshirt Photo Editor | 1,000 |
com.wordsgame.connectletters | Connect Letters. Words Game | 1,000 |
lanas.recover.deleted.pictures.photos | Recover Deleted Pictures | 1,000 |
com.customized.radio.alarm.clock | Custom Radio Alarm Clock | 1,000 |
com.antispamcalls.blockspamcaller | Anti-spam Calls | 1,000 |
com.compatibilitytest.friends.couples | Compatibility Test | 1,000 |
com.dualscreen.android.app.double | Dual Screen Browser | 1,000 |
com.magic.glow.livewallpaper.animatedwallpaper | Magic Glow Live Wallpaper | 1,000 |
com.game.virtualpet.porgy | Porgy Virtual Pet | 1,000 |
com.explosiongame.taptheball | Tap the Ball | 1,000 |
com.analog.digital.clock.live.wallpaper | Clock Live Wallpaper | 1,000 |
com.royalestas.information | Royale Stats | 1,000 |
com.editor.firetext.photo.frame | Fire text photo frame | 1,000 |
editor.card.greetings.christmas.com.christmasgreetingscard | Christmas greetings card | 1,000 |
com.bestappsco.bestapplock.free | Best App Lock | 1,000 |
com.DJ.photoframe.editor | DJ Photo Frames | 1,000 |
com.autocall.redial.automatic.recall | Auto Call redial | 500 |
com.picquiz.guess.picture.game | Guess the picture | 500 |
com.professionalrecorder.audio.call.record | ProfesionalRecorder | 500 |
Entradas recientes para SimBad, el malware para Android presente en 206 apps en Google Play
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